9th IEEE International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties - NAP-2019, Odesa (Ucrania). 15-20 septiembre 2019
The aim of this paper is to analyze the existing and to development new methods to compensate the effects of deviations of power quality parameters, in particular, higher harmonics, and the influence of external factors on metrological characteristics of power meters, which are the part of electric energy commercial accounting systems. The theory of compensation of higher harmonics and the outputs of contemporary studies in the field of nanomaterials were employed for this research. The expediency, priority and ways of implementation of the proposed methods are analyzed. The considered methods and recommendations may allow to create electric energy measuring devices of heightened accuracy, which are less sensible to the influences of higher harmonics and external factors.
Palabras clave: nanomaterials, nanocrystalline alloys, power meter, current transducer
Publicado en Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE 9th International Conference on Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties (NAP-2019), pp: 1-5, ISBN: 978-1-7281-2831-3
Fecha de publicación: 2019-09-15.
I. Diahovchenko, I. Lebedynskyi, R. Mykhailyshyn, V. Savkiv, Methods to improve the accuracy of power meters through the application of nanomaterials and calibration techniques, 9th IEEE International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties - NAP-2019, Odesa (Ucrania). 15-20 septiembre 2019. En: Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE 9th International Conference on Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties (NAP-2019), vol. Part 2, ISBN: 978-1-7281-2831-3